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I need money to take care and to train my 2 autistic sons.

Jumlah terkumpul

USD 13
Sasaran USD 1,500

Baki hari 0 hari

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Caring for them is truly a tough challenge physically, emotionally & financially for my family.

I am a stay at home mum and my husband is past retirement age.

We welcome all forms of help especially financial help because my 2 sons need special attention and we need to purchase certain equipment for them.

Currently with the help from a friend who is a Pastor, we are planning some activities for them. This planning include learning living skills, vocational skills, social interactions etc. These activities require adequate funding inorder to succeed.

Should this program become a success this can lead us to help others with special needs too.

I sincerely hope that through this crowdfunding generous hands can contribute to help lighten our burden.

I would be happy if you could use the [Help by sharing] button to share about my project!

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Apakah itu Airfunding?

Ini adalah platform crowdfunding digunakan oleh hampir 200 negara. Sesiapa sahaja boleh membuat projek!

Jumlah sokongan 3

Projek terpilih dari Malaysia

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  • Platform crowdfunding unik di mana anda boleh mengumpul dana daripada penyokong dari lebih daripada 200 buah negara
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