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I and my daughetrs need to go back to our country.

Jumlah terkumpul

USD 101
Sasaran USD 1,500

Baki hari 0 hari

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I came to work here in Malaysia. A few years later, I met this guy who I believed to love me and is able to be my husband. We stayed together and I gave birth to my two daughters, one is 5 years old and the other is 4 years old. Eventually, I stopped working and was dependent on my man. Unfortunately, he decided to leave me and my kids and travel to Nigeria. He left us with no money and I wasn't working. He definitely moved on with his life as he married another lady and has a child with her.

My daughters are growing in this foreign country and they are not able to go to school, they do not have passports nor visas and I have overstayed. I, however, sale food in the hidden and that's how we survive.

We need around 4,000 Ringgit Malaysia to get Travel documents and clear our overstay, and 5,000 RM for our tickets. Then, we will be able to leave to our home country where I believe I will be able to provide for my daughters and give them the chance to go to school.

I would be happy if you could use the [Help by sharing] button to share my project!

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Apakah itu Airfunding?

Ini adalah platform crowdfunding digunakan oleh hampir 200 negara. Sesiapa sahaja boleh membuat projek!

Jumlah sokongan 12

Projek terpilih dari Malaysia

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