airtripp crowdfunding project main image



Importo raccolto

158 USD
Obiettivo 447 USD

Giorni rimasti 0 giorni

Questo progetto si è concluso.

Che cosa è Airfunding?

Questa è una piattaforma di crowdfunding utilizzato da quasi 200 paesi. Chiunque può creare facilmente un progetto!

Persone che hanno condiviso 2


the flag image of country Nurul
this is an icon showing user is verified Identità verificata

Hi everybody! My name is Nurul Nabilah and I’m studying at one of university in Malaysia. I love community and volunteer very much! This is my first time participate in volunteer program outside my country. I want to improve my soft skill and helping others who is needy. 

Cambodian! Here I come.

I have registered to join an educational mission to Cambodian on 22-27 March 2019. The main of this mission is to help the less fortunate Cambodians which is we will contribute the educational tools, construction of wells, and other volunteer activities. As we know, living in Cambodia is a little bit harsh. So, I really want to help them by contribute the basic needs and also want to learn from them to be a better and grateful person. I want to create a sweet memory and makes many friends with them! I am sure that they are really need this donation to carry on a better life. But the saddest thing is I have faced is some financial problems for joining this mission. I really need support from you guys. Every single dollar I'll donate to them! I would really appreciate your any little help you bring to me!

Detailed on needed amount     

I need around $447 for the flight ticket, passport, food expenses etc. I also include my own saving but still lack about $361. I really hope that anybody can soften my burden.


This mission will be held on March 2019. So I have less than one month to collect all the fund for supporting my financial. Besides that, I also have a dream to fly overseas and what I see is this mission is only the opportunity that I have to make my dream come true.

Please, help me to develop my volunteer interest. Thank you.

Aiuta condividendo


N. di post

Che cosa è Airfunding?

Questa è una piattaforma di crowdfunding utilizzato da quasi 200 paesi. Chiunque può creare facilmente un progetto!

Numero di finanziamenti ricevuti 9

Progetti in primo piano in Malaysia

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